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Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice

This guide will help you with your library research while you are a Nursing student at Missouri Baptist University. You can use it to find information both licensed by the library and freely available on the Web.

Books & eBooks


Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

The QSEN project addresses the challenge of preparing future nurses with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems within which they work. This website is a central repository of information on the core QSEN competencies, KSAs, teaching strategies, and faculty development resources designed to best support this goal.

Asking Well-Word Clinical Questions

PICOT stand for:

P=Population/Patient Who is the patient? What is the condition/disease?

I=Intervention/Influence/Exposure  What will you do for the patient? 

C=Comparison Do you have an alternative plan?

O=Outcomes What outcome are you looking for?

T=Time What's the time frame?

Steps in the EBP Process

  1. Ask -- Ask your clinical question.
  2. Search & Acquire -- Compile evidence
  3. Appraise & Apply -- Take the evidence and consider preference, context, and more.
  4. Evaluate -- Evaluate the outcome.


AHRQ's National Guideline Clearinghouse

The NGC mission is to provide physicians and other health care professionals an accessible mechanism for obtaining objective, detailed information on clinical practice guidelines and to further their dissemination, implementation, and use.